Sketches for postage stamps 1966

‘He designed the stamps, issued on 31 May 1966, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Republic of South Africa. The first set he submitted was rejected because the Minister of Posts and Telegraphs considered the images to be too abstract, but even the stylised designs that were issued were to cause considerable controversy. The following year another stamp he designed was issued in the definitive series on 1 March. All these stamps still bore the legend ‘Republic of South Africa’ alternating with ‘Republiek van Suid-Afrika’. Skotnes suggested this be abbreviated to RSA, suitable for both official languages. In 1967 this convention was implemented and used ever since.’ pp 56-7

Harmsen, F. Artist resolute. In F. Harmsen (ed.). Cecil Skotnes. Cape Town: South African Breweries. 11-63.